Best Way to Treat Scalp Psoriasis at Home Naturally

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects many people worldwide. For those dealing with scalp psoriasis, finding relief and treatment can feel challenging. This article will explore the best way to treat scalp psoriasis at home naturally, without relying on prescription medications. Using natural remedies is an effective approach for mild-to-moderate scalp psoriasis and allows one to take control of their condition in the comfort of their own home.

Best Way to Treat Scalp Psoriasis at Home Naturally

Coal tar shampoo

One of the best home remedies for scalp psoriasis is coal tar shampoo. Coal tar is a dark liquid that is produced during the industrial production of coke and the gasification of coal. It contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and keratolytic properties that relieve psoriasis symptoms. Using a coal tar shampoo 1-2 times per week can help remove excess flakes and soothe inflamed skin. Make sure to do a patch test first to check for any allergic reaction. Coal tar is often well-tolerated but some individuals may experience irritation or stinging upon use.

Tea tree oil

The essential oil from the Australian tea tree plant, Melaleuca alternifolia, has powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. This makes it an excellent natural treatment for scalp psoriasis, which is often aggravated by infection. Simply add 5-10 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil to your regular shampoo or to a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil and massage into your scalp. Leave on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing out. Tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory effects can relieve itchiness and redness. Use 2-3 times per week for best results.

Apple cider vinegar rinse

Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid, which gives it antimicrobial qualities. It can effectively treat dandruff and fungus/yeast that can worsen scalp psoriasis. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 1 part water and pour over your scalp after shampooing. Massage gently into the scalp and leave on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing out. The mild acidity of ACV helps regulate pH levels on the scalp. The nutrients and antioxidants may also reduce inflammation. Use an ACV rinse 1-2 times per week.

Aloe vera gel

The soothing gel from the aloe vera plant contains anthraquinone C-glycosides and other compounds that can relieve psoriasis symptoms when applied topically. Look for a pure, organic aloe vera gel without added dyes or fragrances. Massage a small amount directly onto your scalp and cover it with a shower cap or towel for 1-2 hours before rinsing out. Aloe’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties calm irritation and kill off microbial pathogens. Use aloe gel daily or every other day for scalp psoriasis treatment.

Neem oil

Neem oil is extracted from neem tree seeds and leaves. It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and ancient Indian folk medicine to treat various skin conditions including psoriasis. Neem contains nimbidol, a natural antimicrobial compound. It also has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that may aid in scalp psoriasis relief. Add 2-3 drops of high-quality, cold-pressed neem oil to your shampoo or carrier oil and massage into your scalp and hair follicles, concentrating on affected areas. Leave on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing off. Use neem oil application 2-3 times per week.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil has a similar composition and texture to sebum, the natural oils our skin produces. This makes it an excellent emollient for treating dry, flaky scalps aggravated by psoriasis. Simply rub a few drops of jojoba oil into your clean, damp scalp. Massage gently and leave on overnight before shampooing as usual in the morning. The healthy fats and nutrients in jojoba soothe irritation while restoring optimal hydration. Use this home remedy nightly or every other night until symptoms subside.

Olive oil hair mask

Olive oil contains oleic acid that coats hair and locks in moisture. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well. For best results, combine olive oil with another natural ingredient like honey or yogurt. Honey contains antibacterial compounds while yogurt’s lactic acid provides gentle exfoliation. Mix 1 tbsp each of olive oil, honey and plain yogurt. Apply the paste to your scalp and hair, paying extra attention to flaky areas. Cover with a warm, damp towel and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water. Do this as a weekly hair mask for drying, itchy scalp relief.

Baking soda rinse

Baking soda has a mild abrasive texture that helps slough off excess scales, flakes and dead skin cells on the scalp. It also balances the scalp’s pH, inhibits microbial growth and has anti-inflammatory effects. Mix 1-2 tsp baking soda into 1 cup warm water. Pour the mixture over your damp hair and scalp after showering. Massage gently for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly. Baking soda hair rinses are safe to use 1-2 times per week as a natural exfoliant and scalp psoriasis remedy.

Onion juice rub

Onion juice has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that may reduce psoriasis symptoms when applied topically. Cut a raw onion in half and rub it directly on your scalp, focusing on flaking areas. Leave the juice on for 15-20 minutes before shampooing as usual. The sulfur compounds in onions draw out impurities and toxins while soothing itch and irritation. For extra potency, add 1 tsp apple cider vinegar to the onion juice. Use onion juice rubs 2-3 times weekly.

Oatmeal paste mask

Oatmeal contains avenanthramides that have demonstrated anti-itch effects. Its carbohydrates and lipids help hydrate skin. To make an oatmeal paste, blend 1/4 cup rolled oats until powdery. Add a few drops of water, yogurt or milk and stir to form a thick paste. Spread evenly over the scalp avoiding the hair and let sit 20 minutes. Oatmeal soaks up moisture which can relieve dryness associated with psoriasis. Rinse with water and use this homemade mask weekly.

Gelatin protein treatment

Gelatin from grass-fed bone broth stimulates collagen production which may reduce inflamed plaques and scale caused by psoriasis. Mix 1 tsp gelatin powder into 1/4 cup hot water until fully dissolved. Apply the liquid evenly onto damp hair and scalp, concentrating on the driest areas. Leave in for at least 30 minutes before shampooing. Along with moisture, gelatin delivers amino acids for skin repair. Use this hair and scalp treatment 2-3 times per week until flaking subsides.

Coconut oil massage

Coconut oil’s medium-chain triglycerides are antimicrobial and easily absorbed by skin and hair follicles. Apply warmed coconut oil onto a clean, wet scalp. Gently rub in circular motions, paying special attention to flakey patches. Leave in for an hour before shampooing. Coconut oil penetrates deeply to hydrate, soothe itch, and stimulate healing. Reapply throughout the week, especially after shampooing, for long-lasting relief from scalp psoriasis discomfort.

Hemp seed oil conditioning mask

Hemp seed oil contains antioxidant polyphenols and fatty acids that nourish dry skin. Mix 1 tsp with 1 egg yolk as an emollient hair mask. Massage into the scalp, avoiding roots, and leave on 30 minutes. Rinse well. Hemp’s gamma-linolenic acid reduces inflammation linked to psoriasis while vitamins replenish lipids for a softer, thicker appearance. Use weekly or as needed for itchy, flaky scalp discomfort.

Consider Taking Supplements

Keeping your immune system and gut health optimized is key for managing psoriasis naturally. Taking certain oral supplements can provide additional relief and support healing. Some options to discuss with a healthcare provider include:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids – Found in fish oil, flaxseed, and chia seeds to reduce inflammation.
  • Probiotics – Supports a balanced microbiome for healthy skin and fewer flare-ups.
  • Vitamin D – Play an important role in skin health and immunity. Get safe sun exposure or take a supplement.
  • Zinc – Helps produce anti-inflammatory lipids and regenerates skin and nails faster.
    Consistency is important. Give supplements at least 2-3 months to gauge effectiveness.

Manage Stress Levels

Living with any chronic condition takes its toll emotionally and mentally. High stress levels have been shown to exacerbate psoriasis symptoms for many sufferers. Incorporate relaxing activities and stress management techniques into your daily routine at home such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, spiritual practices, yoga or simply listening to calming music. Spending time with supportive friends and family members is also helpful. Learning to manage stress may improve scalp psoriasis long-term when combined with natural topical therapies.


With some trial and error, you can find the right blend of natural remedies that provides relief from your scalp psoriasis symptoms. Consistency and patience are key – it may take several weeks of use to see significant improvement. Remember to nourish your scalp area with hydrating oils and gentle exfoliation between medicated treatments. A healthy diet and lifestyle also supports skin healing. With proper home management, you can minimize flare-ups and feel more confident and comfortable.

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